Wednesday, February 28, 2024

A different kind of family tree - a poem


In this 11-stanza original poem turned in as an assignment in February 2024 as part of my pursuit of a master's degree in theology, I reflect on Hebrews 11 largely from the interpretation that we are all invited to join a different kind of family tree – a different kind of genealogy or pedigree, one linking us by faith and ultimately by the blood of Christ back through the Old Testament, back to the “Faith of the Ancients,” as this specific chapter/pericope is titled. I end with the universal call by Vatican II that all the faithful are called to be priests, prophets, and kings.

I chose to incorporate a rhyming scheme which follows an ABBA pattern, meaning that the first and fourth lines in each stanza rhyme, while the two lines sandwiched in the middle follow their own rhyming pattern. In my research and thought process for determining rhyming words, I relied heavily on the reference tool available at Rhyme Zone (, as well as on occasional Google searches for synonyms.

“A different kind of family tree”

Inspired largely by Hebrews 11 – “Faith of the Ancients”

Aaron S. Robertson

You’re invited to be a part of this,
A different kind of family tree,
One truly as wide and adventurous as the sea,
An invite you surely don’t want to miss.

All are welcomed to join this one,
A family not necessarily all tied by blood,
It may sound strange, but it’s one united by a flood,
Come to believe in the Word, and it is done.

That comment about blood we’ll come back to a little later,
Because we do in fact all share that common link,
It was shed by the One on the cross who would save us from the brink,
By He whom on this entire earth no one can ever be greater.

An open invite to join along and receive immense grace,
He wants this for you, the question is will you say, “yes,”
You were born for greatness, so do not settle for anything less,
All your offenses and mistakes our common Father will erase.

Like all families, this one has bickering and many a fight,
All the emotions are surely here,
Joy, confusion, anger, sorrow, and fear,
There’s plenty of darkness but in the end even greater light.

Joining this lineage guarantees an audacious quest,
With the help of this your family you’ll defeat the abyss,
So that in the end you’ll know nothing but lifegiving bliss,
After all the tribulation a beautiful and eternal rest.

At times you’ll wonder how you’ll ever cope,
But do your homework as would any good sleuth,
And you’ll find here that you’re on the path to enlightened truth,
In all the trying moments, you’ll be washed over by hope.

This family already has a known beginning and end,
Wrapped in the warmth of a different kind of sun (Son),
Indeed, by He who is the promised one,
Our Father, our provider, our Savior, and our friend.

You’ll come to realize that this family is the best,
So many to look up to and emulate,
They’ll help you keep on the narrow and straight,
With their help and the mercy of our God you’ll always be blessed.

At times, you’ll suffer immensely as you walk along desert sand,
But cling to your faith on this difficult trek,
Though at times it will feel like you’re headed toward a horrible wreck,
Indeed, your destination is His promised land.

With this kind of faith, through Him you can do all things,
Mountains can move, hardened hearts softened, and walls torn down,
Martyrdom for Him, if necessary, will result in an eternal crown,
In the end, we’re all called to be priests, prophets, and kings.

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