Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Use summer vacation to learn new skills

How high school students can make the most of their summer vacations to learn new skills, build on existing ones, and explore possible career paths and industries that may interest them.


As summer approaches, it’s time for high school students to start thinking about how they can make the most of their summer vacation. Summer is a great opportunity to gain practical life and career skills while exploring new interests and having fun in the process. Let’s take a look at some examples of summer jobs and experiences that can benefit high school students.

Volunteer work

Volunteering is an excellent way for students to give back to their communities while also developing important skills such as leadership, problem-solving, and communication. Volunteering also helps students learn more about themselves, build relationships with peers, and develop empathy for others. Plus, volunteer work looks good on college applications!

Summer camps

Attending summer camps is a great way for high schoolers to explore new hobbies or refine existing ones. From art camps to sports camps, there are tons of options available for teens looking to have fun while learning something new. Not only can these activities help teens discover hidden passions, but they can also help them build friendships and get out of their comfort zones.


An internship or apprenticeship provides high schoolers with hands-on experience in a professional setting while giving them an opportunity to learn from industry professionals. Internships offer insight into potential career paths and industries that may be unfamiliar to students - all while allowing them to hone their interpersonal skills as well as their technical knowledge.


All these experiences offer unique opportunities for high schoolers to grow both personally and professionally during the summer months. Whether it’s volunteering in your community or attending a specialized camp, there are numerous ways for teenagers to make the most out of their summer break by gaining valuable life experiences that will serve them well into adulthood. So if you’re looking for ways your child can make this summer count, consider any one of these options!

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