Saturday, February 6, 2021

Discussion forums for homework help

Welcome to our new discussion forums! I launched these forums in hopes of taking the Mr. Robertson's Corner blog project to the next level. Since launching my blog at the end of 2018, traffic to it has steadily risen, and it's becoming more known around the Internet in different education circles. For this, I'm extremely grateful and humbled. What started out as a fun hobby of sorts has really developed into a true passion, and even a calling. 

Yet, something has remained missing - a true sense of community built around the blog. Sure, I'm getting traffic. I'm picking up occasional new followers and post likes on my social media presence. And once in a while, I'll get a short comment in the comments section right below a blog post. For all of that, I thank you! But I'm hoping to build more robust conversations and connections with you, and I want you to be able to do the same with one another, and that's where these forums come in. 

So let's gather here for some fun and insightful discussions, and let's help one another out with our educational and career goals by sharing our love for learning. Again, welcome! Looking forward to connecting! 

Mr. Robertson

Visit our new homework help discussion forums here.

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