Thursday, January 24, 2019

How to get the most from this blog

Last updated July 11, 2024.

If this is your first visit to the Mr. Robertson's Corner blog, welcome! Be sure to introduce yourself to our learning community. If you've been returning from time to time, welcome back! I sincerely hope you find this site to be of some value to you.

As traffic has been growing significantly and a lot more content has been added to this blog over the last several years, I thought I'd put this brief guide together to help you get the best learning experience possible from your time here. So, here are some helpful suggestions:
  • Use the long search box located above to search within the blog. If any of your search terms match or partially match any of the blog's posts, they will come up for you.
  • You can also make use of the "Labels" list on the left-hand side to search for posts by broader categories. The "Labels" list is in alphabetical order and can be found below the "Popular Posts" list.
  • Going down the right-hand side of the blog are several news and article feeds that provide content from other education-related blogs and websites on a variety of subjects.
  • Feel free to leave comments and questions under the blog posts! I value your feedback and want to have a dialogue. Share your experiences and insights, offer suggestions for future posts, and challenge what you read here - I'm definitely not an expert at everything. I'm just a guy that's been blessed to receive a wonderful education and to have learned a few things about the world from working, traveling, talking with others, and exploring for a number of years. I simply have a passion for being of service to others.
So again, welcome, enjoy your time here, and I look forward to chatting with you and learning together! If you do find this blog to be of some value to you, I'd really appreciate it if you shared it with others! This is truly the best compliment I could receive, sharing it with others. This blog is for students, parents and families, and fellow educators, so spread the word!

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